January 07, 2004

American Girl Collects Aid For Bam Survivors, Iran Daily

NEW YORK, Jan. 6--An 11-year-old American girl from California has collected $690 for the quake survivors of Bam in southeastern Iran.

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The Los Angeles Times in its Monday edition wrote about a commemoration service held in Californian's Woodland Hills for the Bam quake survivors in which some 500 Iranians took part, IRNA reported. The participants donated contributions for the cause following the commemoration service.

According to the Los Angeles Times, it was announced at the event that an 11-year-old Californian girl, determined to help the quake survivors whom she had never seen, went to a health center where her mother works, and asked the staff and patients for donations to the Bam quake victims. She managed to collect $690, including her own $5 contribution.

The Los Angeles Times did not mention the girl's name in the report, but has quoted the sister of Tob Delweror, the only American killed in Bam earthquake, as thanking the Iranians for the care and kindness showed to her deceased brother. "The Iranians did their best to save my injured brother's life and his fiancee, Adel Friedman's." "Such humanitarian conduct of the Iranians somehow soothed our sorrowful hearts on the death of our beloved one," she said.

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