January 15, 2004

German-Iranian consortium awarded 250 million euro Tehran sewage

Berlin, Jan 15, IRNA -- An Iranian-German consortium was awarded the
contract for the construction of the 250 million euro Tehran sewage
system, German Research Minister Edelgard Buhlmann and visiting
Iranian Energy Minister Habibollah Bitaraf announced here late
Wednesday evening.
The joint research in water technology was the basis for this
cooperation as both governments have invested 10 million euros in the
research of this technology since the year 2000, a press statement
said in part.
The German-Iranian syndicate, which comprised of the German firms
Walterbau, Siemens and the Emscher-Lippe-Association/Cooperative and
the Iranian company HAMPA/Tehran, will cooperate on the major Tehran
sewage project `Tehran West/Northwest`.
The project includes the construction of two waste water treatment
plants and the sewage water systems in two Tehran districts.
According to Bitaraf, Iran plans major investments in the water
infrastructure of major Iranian cities by the year 2025, totalling
more than 30 billion euros.
German companies will also participate in nine Iranian
drinking-and waste water projects, amounting to three billion euros.
The total volume of Iran`s contracting orders for German firms
stands at 600 million euros.
Bitaraf and Buhlmann also agreed on the transfer of new German
technologies to solve the problems of water shortage in the arid and
semi-arid regions of Central Asia.
Furthermore, Iran and Germany will also expand the cooperation in
the field of university education and job training programs.

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