تکانهای شدید آب استخر هنگام وقوع زلزله در تایوان
Taiwanese man swimming in his pool during the earthquake pic.twitter.com/uLTNerJwbJ
-- Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 3, 2024
Remember NESA?
-- PresidentTrump4🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊 (@GangstaTrump17) April 3, 2024
Taiwan Earthquake ?
USA weather radars are down right before the eclipse.
You see what's happening?
Stay home unless death or life matter.
Stay safe
Store food
They Rats are out for the last time pic.twitter.com/cuJEFWc9fy

گزینههای تهران برای انتقام "سخت" از اسرائیل