گفتوگو نباشد، یا خشونت جای آن میآید یا فریبکاری، مصطفی ملکیان![]()
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Advocacy Forum (Nepal) 2. Aliran Kesedaran Negara (Malaysia) 3. Alternative Development Studies Center (Egypt) 4. The American Islamic Congress 5. Amnesty International 6. Angikar Bangladesh Foundation (Bangladesh) 7. The Arab Penal Reform Organization (Egypt) 8. Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development - FORUM-ASIA 9. Asian Legal Resources Centre (Hong Kong, China) 10. Association for Human Rights Legal Aid (Egypt) 11. Association for Women’s Rights in Development 12. Bahá'í International Community (Switzerland) 13. Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (India) 14. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (Egypt) 15. Cambodian Center for Human Rights (Cambodia) 16. Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (Cambodia) 17. Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights (Cambodia) 18. Caucasian Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (Georgia) 19. Center for Civil Liberties (Ukraine) 20. Center for Egyptian Women’s Legal Assistance (Egypt) 21. Center for Human Rights and Development (Mongolia) 22. Center for Trade Union and Workers’ Services (Egypt) 23. Citizens' Council for Human Rights Japan (Japan) 24. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation (South Africa) 25. Civil Initiatives Development Center (Russia) 26. Committee for the Freedom of Prisoners of Conscience in Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan) 27. Committees for the Defense of Democracy, Freedoms, and Human Rights in Syria (Syria) 28. Community Legal Aid Institute – LBT Masyarakat (Indonesia) 29. Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brazil) 30. Corporacion Humanas (Chile) 31. Dasan Human Rights Center (Republic of Korea) 32. Democracy Coalition Project (United States) 33. Democratic Workers’ Solidarity (Republic of Korea) 34. Droits Humains Sans Frontieres (Democratic Republic of the Congo) 35. East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (Uganda) 36. The Egyptian Association for Community Participation Enhancement (Egypt) 37. Egyptian Child’s Rights Center (Egypt) 38. Egyptian Social Democratic Center (Egypt) 39. Fédération Internationale des Ligues des Droits de l’Homme (France) 40. FLARE - Freedom, Legality, and Rights in Europe (Italy) 41. Freedom House (United States) 42. GayJapanNews (Japan) 43. Global International (Mongolia) 44. Greek Helsinki Monitor (Greece) 45. Guria Swayam Sevi Sansthan (India) 46. Habi Center for Environmental Rights (Egypt) 47. Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (Serbia) 48. Hesham Mubarak Law Center (Egypt) 49. Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners (Egypt) 50. Human Rights Development Centre (Bangladesh) 51. Human Rights First (United States) 52. Human Rights Watch (United States) 53. Human Rights Working Group (Indonesia) 54. Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation (Indonesia) 55. Indonesian Human Rights Monitor (Indonesia) 56. Information and Culture Nuri for the Disabled Korean (Republic of Korea) 57. International Alliance of Women (Belgium) 58. International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran 59. International Commission of Jurists (Switzerland) 60. International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (Indonesia) 61. International Partnership for Human Rights (Belgium) 62. Interregional Free Union of Students (Russia) 63. Interregional Human Rights Group (Russia) 64. Institute of Human Rights Education (India) 65. Italian Association for Women in Development (Italy) 66. Jagaran Media Center (Nepal) 67. Judicial System Monitoring Programme (Timor Leste) 68. Justice Foundation (Bangladesh) 69. Justice and Peace Netherlands (Netherlands) 70. Justicia y Proceso (Venezuela) 71. Korean House for International Solidarity (Republic of Korea) 72. The Kyrgyz Committee for Human Rights (Kyrgyzstan) 73. Land Center for Human Rights (Egypt) 74. Migrant Forum in Asia (The Philippines) 75. National Iranian American Council (United States) 76. National Organization for Human Rights in Syria (Syria) 77. NERVAZHI (India) 78. New Women Research Center (Egypt) 79. One World Foundation for Development and Civil Society (Egypt) 80. Open Alternative (Russia) 81. Palestine Peace Solidarity (Republic of Korea) 82. Palestinian Human Rights Organization (Lebanon) 83. Pax Romana (Switzerland) 84. Partnership for Justice (Nigeria) 85. People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (Republic of Korea) 86. Peoples' Vigilance Committee on Human Rights (India) 87. People’s Watch (India) 88. Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor –EMPOWER (Malaysia) 89. Physicians for Human Rights (United States) 90. Programme Against Custodial Torture & Impunity ( India) 91. Quê Me: Action for Democracy (Vietnam) 92. Right to Life Foundation (Bangladesh) 93. Sasvika Sanghatan (India) 94. Shumuu Organization for Disabled Person’s Rights (Egypt) 95. South African Council of Churches (South Africa) 96. South Asia Network Against Torture & Impunity (India) 97. Suara Rakyat Malaysia - SUARAM (Malaysia) 98. Sudhanthra (India) 99. Taiwan Association for Human Rights (Taiwan) 100. Tibetan United Nations Advocacy (Switzerland) 101. Turkmen Initiative for Human Rights 102. Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (the Hague) 103. United Group (Egypt) 104. West African Human Rights Defenders Network (Togo) 105. Women’s Learning Partnership (United States) 106. Working Group on Justice for Peace (Thailand) 107. Young Europe (Russia) 108. Youth Human Rights Group - Kharkiv (Ukraine) 109. Youth Human Rights Movement (Russia) Copyright: gooya.com 2016